Shekinah: Centre
for Deep Listening
hospitality, connection, exploration, courage, trust.
Shekinah: Centre for Deep Listening
Shekinah: Centre for Deep Listening's mission is to create spaces where people can learn and practice processes of deep listening in order to become more fully ourselves, transform our relations, and restore our connection to the Sacred.

Shekinah icon painted by Lola Eidse
The Shekinah Program originated over two decades ago. In 2020, the stewardship of this program transitioned from the Sisters of St. Benedict's Monastery to Kalyn Falk. Under her leadership, the vision expanded, combining her expertise in spiritual direction and conflict resolution studies, and Shekinah was incorporated as a national non-profit in 2023.
Shekinah's programs proudly embrace Anabaptist and Benedictine traditions and hold a firm commitment to inclusivity. We wholeheartedly welcome individuals from diverse cultures, backgrounds, genders, abilities, and spiritual beliefs.
Shekinah is currently in a state of hibernation and has no plans to offer a formation program for spiritual directors. You are encouraged to email SpiritRiverSK@outlook.com to see training opportunities with Kalyn and other spiritual leaders.
The Shekinah Formation program is a legacy of the Sisters of St. Benedict’s Monastery. It is rooted in the Christian contemplative tradition and is informed by a deep commitment to the interconnectedness of spirituality and social justice.
We draw from our tradition, our understanding of Benedictine spirituality, the teachings of Jung, wisdom from the Enneagram, principles of restorative justice, the discipline of reflective practice, embodied spirituality and wisdom from Christian mystics and prophets.
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We are listening.