St Benedict's Foundation is no longer accepting purchases as of January 7th, 2022
Welcome! We imagine you’re here because you have fond memories or St Benedict’s or love someone who does. We’re glad you’ve found us.
We’ve curated a series of images designed to help you remember your time at St Benedict’s Monastery. More than simply documenting the physical appearance of the space, they also evoke the feel of the place. The anticipation that builds when you see the sign and turn onto the property, the soft glow of light through the stained glass, the way everything was designed to help you slow down and truly be.
Through these images we are inviting you to look back and remember fond memories but also to look forward. The work the sisters are doing isn’t over, it’s just changing. All proceeds from this project will go to their foundation to support that good work.
Orders placed between November 16 and December 31st will be available January 10th.
This will be our final print run.
If you would like to pay by cheque or e-transfer, or need help with the ordering process, please email ShekinahFormation@gmail.com